Weekend breaks Europe

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Enjoy an exciting weekend break in Europe

Anyone who leads a busy life knows that the weekend is of extreme importance for one’s mental health, especially in terms of recharging and resting. A retreat surrounded by nature brings stability and thanks to Nature.house’s variety of houses in the woods you can enjoy a rejuvenating weekend break at Europe’s most incredible leafy locations. Moreover, your safety is of extreme importance, therefore, some accommodations offer a contactless stay. Reserve now and treat yourself to the break you deserve.

Fascinating nature sights during your weekends break

It has been suggested that spending a weekend on a natural territory can improve a person’s stress levels, decrease blood pressure and in some cases completely eliminate anxiety and signs of depression, therefore, it is of extreme importance to allow yourself a weekend break in the European woods. Now thanks to Nature.house this is possible and what is more, it is up to you to choose the location of your stay, since we offer cozy accommodations spread all across Europe. The destination of your choice also determines the flora and fauna surrounding you during your retreat.

The woods in the Netherlands and Belgium for example, which are a big part of Nature.house’s focus when it comes to weekend breaks in Europe, offer a calm and soothing environment for you to rest. The territory is generally flat and consists of walnut, oak, and beech trees, while it also consists of numerous lakes and rivers. The fauna typical for that area mainly includes wildlife representatives such as beavers, otters, and a variety of birds that can all be encountered around your nature house. Nevertheless, if you chose to spend your vacation in Central or Western Europe the sceneries that uncover before you would be a bit more different as the woods are not as flat and are home to a different to different kinds of species. Furthermore, you have the freedom to select your desired area for your vacation based on your preferences.

What can you do during your short stay in the woods?

A variety of activities can be undertaken while on your European weekend break, despite the short amount of time during your stay depending on your location. You might want to simply rest on your porch surrounded by the woods. As being in the forest is proven to boost creativity you could feel like painting, writing, or simply reading, however a weekend away from the busy city life also offers you a chance to experience some outdoor activities such as hiking, picnic by the lake or simply exploring the local flora and fauna. If you decided to take some time off as a family, a weekend break in Europe could be exceptionally entertaining and educational for your kids as you take them on discovery missions around the woods. All you have to do is reserve the short vacation of your dreams with Nature.house.

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